Appendix F. Transitional Arrangements


Title changes due to Classification changes

Under the framework, a small percentage of Methods in the Methods Library will be reclassified, which may lead to a change in their Method Titles, as described below.

A full list of the Methods with changed Method Titles (as of 1 June 2019) is available here.

Note that in the following, '|' delineates the Method Name, Class Descriptor and Stage Name in a Method Title.

a) The Slow Course classification is being retired so these methods will now be classified as either Bob or Place. By default, the word 'Slow' will be added to the end of the Method Name only if this is necessary to maintain uniqueness of Method Titles. For example Candlesby | Slow Course | Doubles will become Candlesby | Bob | Doubles.

b) Non-method blocks are also being retired, so these will now be classified in the same way as any other Method. By default, the word 'Block' will be added to the end of the Method Name for these Methods if 'Block' was an integral part of the previous Method Title. Otherwise 'Block' will not be added to the Method Name. E.g. Shakespeare Tower | Block | Minor is classified as a Surprise Method under the framework, so its title will become Shakespeare Tower Block | Surprise | Minor.

c) The Hybrid classification is being retained, but these Methods will no longer use Hybrid in their Method Titles. By default, the word 'Hybrid' will not be added to the end of the Method Name for these Methods. In addition, Hybrid Methods are no longer subdivided into Little and non-Little Methods, so former Little Hybrid Methods will have neither Little nor Hybrid in their titles. E.g. Top | Little Hybrid | Maximus will become Top | | Maximus.

d) Short course Methods (those with more than one Cycle of Working Bells, where all Cycles have the same length) will no longer be classified as Differential. The word 'Differential' will not be added to the end of the Method Name for these Methods. E.g. Baldrick | Differential Little Bob | Triples will become Baldrick | Little Bob | Triples.

e) Methods with Hunt Bell symmetry about a Row rather than a Change will be reclassified from Hybrid to either Alliance or Treble Place, as applicable under the framework classification definitions.

In a very few cases, the new Method Title resulting from the above is the same as another existing Method. In these cases, a new Method Name to be used will be proposed by the Central Council, to be published shortly.

If the band that named a Method whose Title is changing from any of the above would like their Method named differently from the approaches above, they are invited to submit the proposed new name to the Technical & Taxonomy Workgroup at


Retroactive recognition of Peals

Any Peals as defined under the framework that were previously rung but which were not recognised as such under the Decisions in place at the time may be submitted to the History & Archive Workgroup for retroactive recognition. The submission to the History & Archive Workgroup should note whether or not the Peal has been published in The Ringing World. The Central Council will retroactively include these Peals in its analyses and records if it determines, based on good faith assessments of the available information about these Peals, that the requirements for a Peal under the framework were met.

If such retroactively recognised Peals were not previously published as Peals by The Ringing World, the History & Archive Workgroup will forward the details of these Peals to The Ringing World for publication, with the publication noting their retroactive recognition status.

If such retroactively recognised Peals were previously published as Peals by The Ringing World, the History & Archive Workgroup will ask The Ringing World to publish a notice stating that these Peals have now been included in the Central Council's analyses and records, and providing the references to the original publications by The Ringing World.

If a Peal was previously published by The Ringing World in an altered manner that enabled it to be recognised as a Peal under the Decisions in place at the time, and the framework now enables the Peal to be recognised in the manner originally intended by the band, then the band may resubmit the Peal to the History & Archive Workgroup. The History & Archive Workgroup will ask The Ringing World to republish the Peal in the form originally intended, including a cross-reference to the original publication.

In all cases above, requests should be emailed to


Retroactive recognition of Methods

The Technical & Taxonomy Workgroup will, on request, add any new Methods that were rung in retroactively recognised Peals to the Methods Library if these Methods have not already been added as a result of subsequent Performances.

If a Method was added to the Methods Library as the result of a subsequence Performance and the original Performance of the Method has now been retroactively recognised, the reference in the Methods Library to the first Performance of the Method will, on request, be updated accordingly.

Any Method that is currently recorded in the provisional library will be added to the Methods Library if the Performance in which it was rung would have qualified it to be added to the Methods Library under the framework.

If, prior to the adoption of the framework, a band rang a new Method in a Performance that would qualify the Method to be named under the framework, but the Method has not been added to the Methods Library or the provisional library, then the band may submit the Performance and new Method details to the Central Council for inclusion in the Methods Library.

If a Method was previously added to the Methods Library in an altered manner to enable it to comply with Decisions in place at the time, the band may request for the Method to be updated in the Methods Library to the form originally intended.

In all cases above, requests should be emailed to


Variations and Calls Libraries

Sections 3.F and 5.D refer to the Central Council's Calls Library and Variations Library respectively. These do not yet exist, but will be developed to provide central libraries for what today are collections maintained by individuals.


Software updates

On adoption of the framework, various changes will be required to the Methods Library software, and also to other related ringing software and documentation. This may take some time.


Analysis of Quarter Peals

The framework calls for an analysis of Quarter Peals, which isn't performed today by the Central Council (see Section 9.E). This may take some time to implement.


Historic Method Names

The framework calls for the Methods Library to record different Names and/or Titles by which existing Methods may have been known in the past, where details are available (see Section 5.A.6). This may take some time to implement.